Japanese monument and memorial located in Kanat Tabla.

Description: This is a memorial made to commemorate the death of the 2nd battalion soldiers as well as other 289 men who gave their life in defense of Saipan. To this day, Japanese tourists visit this site during a certain time to memorialize the death of the soldiers. 

Beach Road, Garapan 
This monument has two parts that relate to WWII. First is the tank on the top. The tank was used by the Japanese army throughout WWII. The specific battle it was used in was not given. The second is the hideout also used by the Japanese soldiers. The tunnel was used to hide from the Americans while firing. Hide-outs played a very important role during WWII as it was effective and relatively safer. 
Beach Road, Garapan 
This is Red Beach also located in Beach Road. Although it is now a very calm and peaceful location where many visit, it holds a very sad history. On the sixteenth day of July 1944, about 1,000 Japanese Infantrymen joined 44 tanks in a powerful counterattack against the Marines holding Red Beach. It was the first large-scale tank battle of the Pacific War. 31 tanks burned on this battlefield. Two days of fighting on this beachhead cost the U.S. 2nd Marine Division 3,500 casualties. 

                                        Old Japanese Jail located in Garapan

This is the Japanese Jail that was used during WWII. It is also referred to as "a building shrouded in mystery" as there are many myths and questions on this jail with so little uncovered. This jail was built between 1929 and 1930. During WWII, two U.S. pilots were held in the jail. Both died and were temporarily buried in the Hongan-ji cemetery. Popular lore has it that Amelia Earhart, the famous American female flyer was held at this jail as well on her 1937 round-the-world flight. 

Japanese monument and memorial located in Kanat Tabla.

This is most likely a Type 4 15 centimeter howitzer used by the Japanese army. It was a heavy howitzer used during World War II. The specific date and battle it was used in was not noted. 


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